Monday 22 April 2013

Yoga For Plus-Sized

         Although yoga can be one of the most accessible and beneficial forms of exercise, obese and morbidly obese people typically do not participate. This is unfortunate, because plus-size individuals can particularly benefit from yoga’s positive physiological and psychological effects. However, many in this population feel intimidated and ashamed, lacking the courage to enter the classroom. When an overweight person builds up the nerve to visit a yoga class, the instructor may tell her to lose weight before beginning. If welcomed, she probably feels embarrassed and self-conscious when the teacher works with her. The good news is that some plus-size students have been doing yoga successfully for many years, and it has changed their lives. Practicing yoga can be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding ways for this population to become healthy, build confidence and self-esteem, and sometimes achieve weight loss. 
                Fitness professionals can help by having a welcoming attitude and learning “gentle yoga” modifications that ease the transition to health. The “no pain, no gain” attitude does not work for plus-size participants. They have been carrying around so much pain for so long that purposely seeking more discomfort to be healthier does not compute. If you provide a safe environment and focus on relaxation and pranayama (focused breathing), the pain will lessen and these people will eventually be inspired to stretch gently into simple poses that will relieve their pain even more. Gentle yoga enables students to advance in stages and progress at their own rate, while benefiting from stress management and positive affirmations. The more people learn how to relax, the more their bodies open and heal. Gentle yoga helps with back pain and injuries, since so much of it is floor-supported and the stretching is easy but effective. With obesity quickly becoming “globesity,” we have an obligation to provide safe, supportive programs that help people get healthy and stay healthy. 
                    Our nation’s health depends on it, hence many Yoga Workshop conduct separate classes for Obese people so that they feel comfortable.

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